Saturday, August 30, 2008

I'm still here!

Gosh! Has it really been almost 2 months since I posted last? Ewwww.... way too long, huh? Like my friend Greg asked me, "Do you know what blogging means?" (ha ha ha) As you probably know (or don't know), I am teaching at a new school. I am now a Franklin Central High School Flash! While I miss Waldron High School terribly, I had to leave because that school is financially in the hole (so to speak), and hands down, FCHS is a much closer drive... only 10 minutes compared to 30 minutes? So, if you are a student at WHS and you are reading this, I hope you don't take my "leave" personally. It was NOT you (as a student body) as to why I left. It's just me out here.... supporting me... and I have to take of me.

In any case, I want to share a photo with you. Recently, a former National Honor Society member e-mailed me asking for past photos. And, as I looked through them, this one in particular is special to me. Why? When I look at all of us... so professional... so handsome (yes, ladies too can look handsome)... I am so proud. These kids you see here are the best of the best. They are mature. They care about not only themselves (and their appearance), but they care about others. But most importantly, they took to heart the characteristics of what being an NHS member means. And that... makes me proud of them. Awww... I miss Waldron. lol.

Okay... that's it for now. I will try to post a little more frequently. Feel free to posts comments because I just love hearing from you! Take care!

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